Thursday, November 16, 2017

Dynamics AX Date Calculator : How to get The difference between two date in ax 2012 in detail years months days

You often try to calculate the differences between two dates using the available functions in dynamics ax for dates. However, for example I have two dates such as start date = 07/07/2007 and end date = 01/11/2016 where date caculator would show difference like 9 Years 3 Months 25 Day. What if the same detail calculation I have to perform in X++. This post will save your time since we might sometimes require this code during ax programming.
 static void AXDateCaculator(Args _args)  
     int monthsDiff, daysDiff, yearsDiff;  
     date emergingDateMth, emergingDateYear;  
     str dateCalculated;  
     //Dates can be changed here  
     date startdate = mkDate(7, 7, 2007);  
     date endDate  = mkDate(1, 11, 2016);  
     yearsDiff                  = intvNo(endDate,startDate,IntvScale::Year);       
     emergingDateYear              = DateMthFwd(startDate, yearsDiff*12);                          
     monthsDiff                 = intvNo(endDate,emergingDateYear,IntvScale::YearMonth);  
     if (monthsDiff < 0)  
       yearsDiff                = yearsDiff - 1;  
       emergingDateYear            = DateMthFwd(startDate, yearsDiff*12);                          
       monthsDiff               = intvNo(endDate,emergingDateYear,IntvScale::YearMonth);  
     emergingDateMth               = DateMthFwd(emergingDateYear, monthsDiff);  
     daysDiff                  = intvNo(endDate,emergingDateMth,IntvScale::MonthDay);  
     if (daysDiff < 0)  
       monthsDiff               = monthsDiff - 1;  
       emergingDateMth            = DateMthFwd(emergingDateYear, monthsDiff);  
       daysDiff                = intvNo(endDate,emergingDateMth,IntvScale::MonthDay);  
     if (yearsDiff)  
       dateCalculated             += strfmt(" Years: %1", yearsDiff);              
     if (monthsDiff)  
       dateCalculated             += strfmt(" Months: %1", monthsDiff);             
     if (daysDiff)  
      dateCalculated             += strfmt(" Days: %1", daysDiff);              
After you execute this code you will see this result:
Happy Daxing :)!

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